Board Elections

The 2020 Board for Deutsches Haus has been elected. Elections were held Tuesday, January 28.The election process, which was different from prior years, is detailed here. The new board and officers are:

President – Brian Huber*
Vice-President – James Danner*
Treasurer – Denise Barnett
Secretary – Wendy Savelle*

  • David Moore*
  • Neil Barnett
  • Robert Martin
  • Harry Widman
  • Ralph Mipro
  • Michele Brown
  • Michael Heier

* Elected to 3-year term. All others elected to 1-year term.


Monday, November 18, was both the 1st Anniversary of the opening of the new Deutsches Haus building on Moss Street AND the 91st Anniversary of the Deutsches Haus organization in New Orleans!

More celebrations:

  • Sunday November 24: A party with German buffet in honor of the 1-year anniversary of the structured German classes.
  • Tuesday November 26: A celebration of the good times at the old location on Galvez Street. The Bier Stube is being opened specially. More info

Click for more info about the history of Deutsches Haus or the building of the Haus. And here is a look-back at the opening one year ago.

Charter and By-Laws

The changes to the Charter and By-Laws were approved by a vote at the General Membership Meeting on September 28, 2019.

9/11/2019: After listening to membership feedback at the first 2 town hall meetings, the Proposed By-Laws were modified. These changes are summarized on the Charter and By-Laws page and have also been incorporated into the By-Laws document available on that page. On the same page, there are links to older versions of the documents for comparison.

The last of 4 townhall meeting about the documents was held at the Haus on September 21. This was the last chance to discuss the proposed changes. (3 other townhalls have been held)