Nomination Process

It is time to get ready for the elections of the Board of Directors for next year. Are you interested in running for the Board of Directors or do you know someone who would be good for the Board?

Nomination Process

OCTOBER 8, 2023

  1. Nominations for the position of Director for the 2024 Board of Directors Election will be accepted from October 8 through December 1, 2023. Self nominations will be accepted. Current bylaws do not allow for write in candidates or nominations on Election Night. Current bylaws require the Nominating Committee submit a list of at least five (5) but not more than fifteen (15) candidates for the 2024 election.
  2. The Board consists of eleven (11) Directors serving staggered three year terms.
  3. The 2024 election will elect four (4) Directors from the candidates receiving the highest number of votes. The four candidates receiving the highest number of votes will be elected to a three (3) year term. The following Directors’ terms are ending in 2023: Neil Barnett, Kelli Bingham, Michael Heier and Harry Widmann.
  4. Candidates must be a stockholder member in good standing with dues timely paid for 2022 and 2023 and, if elected, agree to accept any officer position determined by the Board of Directors. Any required dues for 2024 must be paid no later than December 1, 2023 to ensure that the candidate will be “in good standing” when the final list of candidates is sent to the membership no later than December 15, 2023 per the current bylaws..
  5. Candidates must submit a Letter of Intent and Qualification no later than December 1, 2023, on a form provided by the Nominating Committee and may attach a one page biography. Any biography that is submitted with the Letter of Intent and Qualification or emailed to will be included in the final list of candidates published by the Deutsches Haus. If a candidate does not submit a biography with the Letter of Intent and Qualification they may still distribute their biography.
  6. The Letter of Intent and Qualification form will be able to be submitted electronically from the Deutsches Haus website ( or be available for download on the Deutsches Haus website and will be available in paper format at the Haus. (See below on this page for details.) To ensure timely receipt, forms that are not submitted electronically must be hand delivered to the Haus. Completed paper forms and any paper biography delivered to the Haus will be placed in provided envelopes addressed to the Nominating Committee and placed in the lock box provided for member applications. Envelopes addressed to the Nominating Committee will be delivered to the Committee unopened.
  7. On December 4, 2023 the Nominating Committee will convene a meeting of the committee and will review and submit the final list of candidates to the Membership Chairperson. The Membership Chairperson will certify that each candidate is a stockholder member in good standing and that any dues required for the years 2022, 2023 and 2024 have been timely paid. The Membership Chairperson will certify the candidates who meet these qualifications and return the list of qualified candidates to the Nominating Committee on that same date..
  8. No later than December 5, 2023 the Nominating Committee will prepare the final list of candidates for submission to the Board of Directors and presentation to the membership at the 4th Quarter General Membership Meeting and to the general membership in accordance with Article VII, Notice, of the current bylaws by December 15, 2023.
Electronic Submission

Fill out Letter of Intent form and submit electronically

Check back in Autumn 2024 for next cycle and form

Email Biography (attached file or in body of email) to
Include photo, if desired.

Paper Submission

Download Letter of Intent and Qualification Form HERE and print it
Pick up a paper copy of Letter of Intent form from the Haus.

Fill out form and sign.
Including the paper biography, seal in envelope addressed to Nomination Committee, and deliver to the locked Membership box near the Haus bar


Having trouble or have questions? Email the Nominations Committee at

Want to print the Process Rules above?

Download the process instructions in pdf form HERE