Events are open to the public unless otherwise noted. Location is 1700 Moss Street in New Orleans unless otherwise specified. There is always ample free parking in the rear of the building. (link to map)
The Deutsches Haus is now open 6 days a week for regular hours for beverages and food. And we have beautiful grounds with picnic tables and oak trees so you can be outside.
November 2024
Concert. Saturday, November 9, 7pm. Concordia 1883 Worms-Abenheim. Men’s Master choir from Germany. The 25 member choir led by Director Klaus Boxheimer will perform a wide repetoire of songs. Free.
Kino. Tuesday, November 12, 7:30 pm. Für eine Handvoll Dollar. Yes, Clint Eastwood in German.
Coming to America Lecture Series. Sunday, November 17, 4:30 pm *Note change in time* The Making of Filipino Louisiana by Randy Gonzales. Filipinos first settled in Louisiana in the late 1700s when both Louisiana and the Philippines were part of New Spain. These early settlers established a community that drew more Filipinos to the area and set the foundation for the vibrant community of today. This lecture will tell the story of the development of Filipino Louisiana, from the sailors who established fishing villages in the wetlands to the communities that developed in the Marigny and along Bayou St. John.
Kulturabend. Tuesday, November 19, 7pm. Sponsored by the German-American Cultural Center of Gretna and the Ladies Auxiliary of the Deutsches Haus.
Liederkranz. Thursday, November 21, 7pm-8pm. Come sing along with German folk music. Just for fun.
Trivia. Friday, November 22. Food available at 5:30. Games start at 7pm.
Kino. Tuesday, November 26, 7:30 pm. Rammstein: Live Aus Berlin.
Thanksgiving. Thursday, November 28. Haus closed for Thanksgiving Day.
Haus Christmas Party. Saturday, November 30, noon. Free for children under 12, but children must be pre-registered. $20 for adults and kids 12 and up. *Tickets and registration*
December 2024
Christmas Market. Friday, December 6 – Sunday, December 8. Registration open for Vendors now. Market info here.
Vendor information here.
Weekly and Monthly Activities
Choir. 1st and 3rd Fridays. The Damenchor (ladies) meet at 7 p.m. and the Saengerchor (men) meet at 8 pm. *More Information* Both groups would love to welcome new members.
Wander Gruppe -Running/Walking Group – Join in for a casual walk or run every Thursday. Choose your own pace & we’ll go for a 2 or 3 mile route in the park or neighborhood then gather at the Haus for Gemütlichkeit. Gather at 5:30 pm, leave for run/walk at 6pm.
Liederkranz – every third Thursday. Just for fun – sing-along with German folk songs. Everyone welcome.
German Language Classes – *More Info*
Ladies Auxiliary. The Ladies Auxiliary meets on the first Thursday of every month at 7pm. *More information*