Kinderzeit – Children’s Time

The Deutsches Haus Ladies Auxiliary Presents:

Kinderzeit (Children’s Time)

Saturday, July 20, 2024
Noon to 3 PM

Visit by a Firetruck! Games, Crafts, Fun, & Face painting.

Pizza for lunch (Cheese or pepperoni)

Free for kids and adults, but reservations required so we can prepare supplies. Food free for kids.  Adults can purchase food and drink for themselves. Children must be accompanied by an adult.


Jazz Fest Parking on Moss Street

The Deutsches Haus will have parking available for all days of Jazz Fest on April 25-28 (Thursday to Sunday) & May 2 -5. (Thursday to Sunday). Park for Jazz Fest at  1700 Moss Street among the oak trees in a fenced, lighted parking lot.  

Prices are $20 per car for everyone (including members). Cash or charge cards accepted.

Rain or shine. Gates open at 10 am.  Gates close at 10pm all days. No in-and-out. No overnight parking. First come, first served. No reservations or advanced sales.

Deutsches Haus will be open for business with extended hours from 10 am to 10pm on Jazz Fest days. Bar opens at 10am and food will be available starting at 11am on Jazz Fest days.

Give NOLA Day

Give NOLA Day is May 7 this year. It is an opportunity to support New Orleans Charities. Early giving is underway now and lasts through May 6. Give to Deutsches Haus *Here*.

A FUNraiser event will be held at the Haus on May 7. Fish Fry from 5pm to 8. Live Music from 5:30 to 7. Open to all.