A German visitor visited the new Haus this spring and wrote about it on her blog. She tells some of the history of Germans in New Orleans and about how she found the Deutsches Haus. For a view from a different perspective read the whole article at German Girl in America.
Category: News
Donation to Morris Jeff School
The Deutsches Haus Ladies Auxilliary visited the Pre-K classes at Morris Jeff Community School in New Orleans to give them some alphabet stamps to help with letter recognition and some books about how children from around the world live and play.
Give Nola Day was Successful – Thank you!
Give NOLA Day was May 7. It is a 24-hour long, city-wide campaign by the Greater New Orleans Foundation to raise money for charities in our community. This year, the total donations for Deutsches Haus were over $18,000! And the grand total for all the charities put together exceeded $5 million! Our community was very generous.
Thank you to everyone who donated to Deutsches Haus. We appreciate all our donors for supporting the Haus.