The best website to order our textbooks is: . Some are also available via Amazon. IBIService promises to be faster in delivery than Amazon. IBIService tends to be cheaper than Amazon or Klett.
Adult Classes
A new textbook series has been in use since January 2020 for the A1 classes, since Fall 2021 for the A2 classes, and since Winter 2023 for the B1 classes.
Textbook and workbook are combined in 1 volume, except as noted below. Each volume covers 2 courses:
- A1.1-A1.2
- A1.3-A1.4
- A2.1-A2.2
- A2.3-A2.4
- B1.1-B1.2
- B1.3-B1.4
- B2.1-B2.4 NOTE: This series requires purchase of a separate textbook and workbook, which together cover the entire B2 curriculum
- There is no text for Intermediate Conversation.
The textbooks listed below are NOT the textbook used in 2019 (the titles are a little similar, so don’t be misled. Reference the ISBN number.)
A1.1 and A1.2
Textbook and workbook are combined into 1 volume:
Netzwerk neu A1.1 Kurs- und Übungsbuch mit Audio und Video
ISBN: 9783126071543
A1.3 and A1.4
Textbook and workbook are combined into 1 volume:
Netzwerk neu A1.2 Kurs- und Übungsbuch mit Audio und Video
ISBN: 9783126071550
A1 Special Topics Summer 2024
Reader and trainer required plus A1 textbooks above are recommended but not required
Reader – Glück gehabt, ISBN: 9783126064231
Trainer – Netzwerk neu A1 Intensivtrainer, ISBN: 9783126071581
A2.1 and A2.2
Textbook and workbook are combined into 1 volume:
Netzwerk neu A2.1 Kurs- und Übungsbuch mit Audios und Videos
ISBN: 9783126071628
A2.3 and A2.4
Textbook and workbook are combined into 1 volume:
Netzwerk neu A2.2 Kurs- und Übungsbuch mit Audios und Videos
ISBN: 9783126071635
A2 Special Topics Summer 2024
Reader required plus A2 textbooks above are recommended but not required
Reader – Der Schützenkönig vom Chiemsee, ISBN: 9783125560321
Trainer – Netzwerk neu A2 Intensivtrainer, ISBN: 9783126071666
B1.1 and B1.2
Textbook and workbook are combined into 1 volume:
Netzwerk neu B1.1 Kurs- und Übungsbuch mit Audios und Videos
ISBN: 9783126071703
B1.3 and B1.4
Textbook and workbook are combined into 1 volume:
Netzwerk neu B1.2 Kurs- und Übungsbuch mit Audios und Videos
ISBN: 9783126071710
B2.1 – B2.4 NOTE: These books must be ordered from Klett World Languages
Separate textbook and workbook:
Kontext B2 Kursbuch mit Audios und Videos
ISBN: 9783126053426
Kontext B2 Übungsbuch mit Audios
ISBN: 9783126053433
B1 Special Topics Summer 2024
Reader and trainer required plus B1 textbooks above are recommended but not required
Reader – Gefährliches Spiel in Essen, ISBN: 9783125560420
Trainer – Netzwerk neu B1 Intensivtrainer, ISBN: 9783126071741
Older Children’s Classes
Children’s A1
There are three books for the Children’s A1 series. They will cover four classes: A1.1, A1.2, A1.3 and A1.4:
Textbook: Die Deutschprofis A1 Kursbuch
ISBN: 9783126764704 a1
Workbook: Die Deutschprofis A1 Ubungsbuch
ISBN: 97831267647711
Wordbook: Die Deutschprofis A1 Woerterheft
ISBN: 9783126764728