A German View in German

A German journalist named Martina Gross visited New Orleans in late summer last year and later published an article about the visit. She interviewed one of our members, Britta Marks, and also Dr. Dietmar Felber, who has given a lecture at the Haus.

Would you like to practice your German? Read the whole article here.

Big Fan Installed

We owe a large thank you to the Red Dress Run Foundation! The foundation granted $5000 to Deutsches Haus for the purchase of a big outside fan for the overhang of the Warehouse. Neil Barnett did the research as well as the pricing and specification to purchase the proper fan to be installed within the grant’s restrictions. Dean Arnett and Brian Huber completed the grant application for the Haus. The volunteers that stepped up to do the installation free of charge were Barney Ryan, Ed Ryan, and Neil Barnett.

Appreciation is due to the Red Dress Run Foundation and all those who made this happen.

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