Last Trivia Night at Metairie Haus

There was a big crowd to celebrate Trivia Night.  Friday July 27 was the last event of any sort at the Metairie Haus which is closing as the final preparations for the move to the New Orleans Haus are underway.  There will be a pause in events until Oktoberfest.  When the new Haus opens in the autumn, Trivia Nights will resume.

Article: New Orleans-area Beer hall traditions get boost with sing-along night at (where else?) Deutsches Haus

Verses in many languages extol the joys of singing around a glass of beer. The Beer Choir, a new national organization with nearly 20 chapters — now including one in New Orleans — wants to revive that tradition by compiling those songs and giving them a public airing.

The New Orleans Chapter of the Beer Choir (mission: “To make our world a little bit better by singing and drinking together!”) hosts its premiere event Friday at the Deutsches Haus in Metairie.

*Link to the Advocate for the whole article*